wow, it's been a while since i last blogged. and i mean, seriously blogged, not some half-hearted entry that informs people i know about what i've done and all that rubbish.
school's starting in what, four days? REJOICE! i can't wait for school to start. without school it feels kinda weird, very out of sync, but YES! school is starting and although i'll be sec4 (ohmigosh, O levels!!! panicpanicpanic) it's awesome to be starting school again. not that the holidays aren't fun. dallas and tokyo and taipei were fun but i was terribly homesick and LITERALLY sick as well. and i get to go out with friends and go shopping and all that and it's GREAT. plus me and my sister usually grow closer over the holidays, especially if we go overrseas. (: but i miss school.
so ANYWAY, since both janice and gourie have very nicely graced their most preevious entries with my happy name by telling the world how i fell through that stupid box (i still don't understand how it happened, it defies like all the laws of physics and gravity and everything), i shall blog about the day the "incident" happened.
it was a marvelous day (it really was! i messaged gourie telling her all about the wonderfulness of that day and i still have evidence to prove it) and we went to watch Narnia with the rest of the pandey clan. i was shy!! but gourie and her sister and my wonderful long-lost friend/neighbour/tuitionbuddy sheralyn saved the day! oh and a big thankyou to mrs pandey for treating me to the movie :)
why is pooja taller than me???
Narnia was AWESOME i'm so glad gourie brought me along (: but it was very LOTR and harry potter (wasn't movie 4 just great?? :D) anyway, then me gourie's sister gourie and sheralyn sakae-ed and then we went to the isetan private sale (i got my bag! and no matter what gourie says, remember that SHE HELPED ME TO PICK IT OUT. xD)
then the box incident happened, but i'm sure all of you know about that.
sigh. the stupid 3kg i gained over the holidays is so TROUBLESOME
my sister is coming to TKGS next year. what are the odds of her and me getting the same aggregate with the exact SAME grade for every single subject??
mummy went to buy 4D after that.
and why is her uniform bigger than mine?? blessed, at
11:30 PM
Thursday, December 22, 2005
i'm home :) along with a fever, sore throat and i gained 3kg :( but it's wonderful to be home. blessed, at
9:08 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005
hey y'all!
haha you just gotta love the texan drawl. am having a swell time here in plano, which is in dallas, which is in texas, which is in the US. loads of hot cowboys, cows and churches. but i am veryvery homesick for my maid and my friends.
on tuesday we're going to drive down to houston to visit the relative with the big house that i faintly remember. we stared into her fireplace waiting for somethingmagical to happen and all we got were painful eyes. hee. i must have been, what, eight? then on thursday we're gonna come back to dallas and then leave for tokyo on friday. pockyland, here i come!
and then, i'll come home on the 22nd :) blessed, at
10:07 AM
kathleen ong xinwei
tkgian. 4e9 '06. dance club
new creation church
to glorify His name all my life :)
to get into VJC
and into Oxford unversity
all family and friends to be blessed, always